Rose Court, London

Client: Structuretone

Duration: 24 Weeks

Value – £1.35m

Project Details

The Rose court Building is situated in a very prominent location immediately adjacent to the River Thames on the South Side of Southwark Bridge. The existing building was used as a Commercial Office building and is located directly over the Iconic Rose Theatre.

The building is constructed of reinforced concrete and is 11 storey from basement to roof level, the access to the site was very restricted and the only access available to the site works was Rose Alley to the rear of the site. To access Rose Alley all site vehicles had to reverse approximately 100m to the bottom of the road under the direction of traffic marshals.

Our scope was to undertake the roof plantroom demolition, removal of roof coverings, de-cladding of the all RC clad facades, de-cladding of 25% of masonry facades  and the demolition of the 2 storey rear extension. The project works were started just prior to the covid pandemic so all of our works were completed under the Government Guidelines.

To demolish / remove the external RC facade cladding panels we erected a fully sheeted scaffold to the external elevations of the building; this scaffold provided our operatives with access the outside of the panels to assist in the panel removal.

Prior to any demolition works commencing on the façades, the working lift of scaffold adjacent to the demolition works area was plywood sheeted and a seal created between the protection and the surface of the façade. This protection process would ensure that no debris could escape the working area as our works were immediately adjacent to Southwark Bridge Road.

Our team carefully lifted off all large cladding panels with the site tower crane, each RC panel was subject to a lifting plan procedure and weighed approximately 3 tons. Smaller RC panels and areas of masonry façade were demolished insitu by our Brokk machines to reduce the hook time required for the panel removal process. The total area of façade removal was 10,000m2 over a 24 week period.